Trading Q:A

Since we announced trading, we've been paying close attention to the questions you all have been asking.

We know this doesn't answer everything, but we hope it's a good start. Keep an eye on this blog post for future updates.

Q: Can you stack vehicles?
A: Yes, players can own multiple copies of the same vehicle. However, only one copy will be available to spawn from your phone in the game.

Q: Can we trade every vehicle?
A: We may consider allowing non-limited vehicles to be traded in the future once the economy is more balanced. Introducing widespread trading now could lead to deflated vehicle prices.

Q: Can we trade Game Pass vehicles?
A: Vehicles acquired through Game Pass will not be tradable at launch. However, vehicles that were previously purchased with Robux will be available for trade.

Q: Can you trade emotes?
A: Emotes that are off-sale can be traded. We are looking into the possibility of trading game pass emotes as well, pending approval from Roblox.

Q: How does trading the Commutator and Edge Runner variants work?
A: In the trading hub, each variant will be registered as a single item based on the highest tier you've unlocked. Trading it away means losing customization options until reacquired. This approach is subject to change.

Q: Will we be able to upgrade variant vehicles we own to a higher variant?
A: You can only upgrade if you obtain a higher variant. Owning a lower variant does not allow you to upgrade to a higher one. This approach is subject to change.

Q: Will there be leaderboards?
A: Yes, we plan to introduce leaderboards in the future, such as for the highest value players

Q: Can you trade XP?
A: No, XP cannot be traded.

Q: Is trade history going to be accessible?
A: Yes, you'll be able to view your trade history.

Q: Which items are eligible for trading?
A: Initially, a curated selection of off-sale items will be available for trading, and we plan to expand the list over time.

Q: Will Piggy items be available for trading?
A: A selection of Piggy items will be eligible for trading upon the launch of trading.

Q: What measures are in place to recognize the original owners of items compared to those who acquire them through trading?
A: We intend to indicate the original owner's name on the item's profile as a way to honor their initial ownership. We're also in ongoing discussions about additional methods to differentiate and recognize original owners.

Q: Is it possible to trade Cash?
A: Yes, trading Cash is an option.

Q: Can both vehicles and cosmetics be traded?
A: Yes, you'll be able to trade both vehicles and cosmetics.

Q: How will you prevent duping?
A: With our experienced development team, we're confident in our ability to address the underlying issues that allow duplication exploits to occur in the first place.

Q: Is there an option for account PINs?
A: Yes, players can set up trading PINs as a security measure to deter unauthorized trades. (You will need to write this pin down!)

Q: Are QA and Translator skins available for trading?
A: No, skins for QA and Translators cannot be traded; however, beta skins are tradeable.

Q: Is a trading index going to be available?
A: A trading index won't be available at launch, but we do have plans to introduce it later.

Q: Will the trading hub be in a different location?
A: Yes, there's an option to teleport to the trading hub via your phone, provided you're not currently in combat.

Q: Is a trade balancing system going to be implemented?
A: While we won't be implementing a trade balancing system, we will include a feature that notifies the user if the trade value is low.

That's all we have for now. Be sure to check back, as we may update this post with new information in the future.

Last Updated: 10/2/2023