<![CDATA[Mad City Blog]]> https://playmad.city// https://playmad.city//favicon.png Mad City Blog https://playmad.city// Ghost 5.53 Fri, 13 Oct 2023 21:26:03 GMT 60 <![CDATA[Mad City Weekly Update -Teaser]]>

🎉 What's Coming🎉

An early look into the planned update!

Hello players and community members, thanks for your continued support of our game.

We've been working hard on updates based on your feedback. Let's get into the details.

💎 The Jewelry Store Gets

https://playmad.city//mad-city-weekly-blog-update-october-12-2023/ 65282f1a7d3dab44a1dac351 Thu, 12 Oct 2023 20:01:55 GMT

🎉 What's Coming🎉

An early look into the planned update!

Mad City Weekly Update -Teaser

Hello players and community members, thanks for your continued support of our game.

We've been working hard on updates based on your feedback. Let's get into the details.

💎 The Jewelry Store Gets a New Shine

We've been all ears when it comes to your feedback on the Jewelry Store. To be frank, it wasn't as dazzling as we or you wanted it to be.

That's why we revisited some of our older chapters, mined them for the best elements, and infused the new Jewelry Store with that magic.

The result? A streamlined, more engaging experience that we believe you'll love!

Mad City Weekly Update -Teaser
Mad City Weekly Update -Teaser
Mad City Weekly Update -Teaser

🍂 Fall for Our New Map Theme

We've just rolled out our new Fall Themed Map. It's got all the autumn feels to add a seasonal touch to your time in the game.

Take a look at the new changes next time you're in.

Mad City Weekly Update -Teaser
Mad City Weekly Update -Teaser
Mad City Weekly Update -Teaser

⚖️ Balance is the Key to Warfare

Moving on to another update—balance adjustments. We've fine-tuned weapons and vehicles to ensure a fairer experience.

The specifics are listed in a interactive table below for you to review. We'd love to hear your feedback!

Type Item Attribute Change Change Type
VehicleBlackoutDamage15 -> 20BUFF
VehicleBlackoutHealth400 -> 450BUFF
VehicleBlackoutMissileSpeed500 -> 550BUFF
VehicleBlackoutTargetRange700 -> 775BUFF
VehicleBlackoutVehicleDamageMultiplier1.7 -> 1.5NERF
VehicleBRRTAirVehicleDamageMultiplier1 -> .5NERF
VehicleBRRTMaxSpeed205 -> 175NERF
VehicleBRRTMaxTurnSpeed3 -> 3.7BUFF
VehicleBRRTVehicleDamageMultiplier1 -> 2BUFF
VehicleCommutator A-FNitroStartAmount0 -> .5BUFF
VehicleCyberplaneAirVehicleDamageMultiplier1 -> 1.25BUFF
VehicleCyberplaneBombsTrue -> FalseNERF
VehicleCyberplaneMaxTurnSpeed3.5 -> 4.4BUFF
VehicleCyberplaneMissileLock: 1.4 -> 1BUFF
VehicleCyberplaneMissileCooldown2 -> 1BUFF
VehicleCyberplaneRadPerSec1.4 -> 2.9BUFF
VehicleCyberplaneVehicleDamageMultiplier2 -> 3BUFF
VehicleFuryCustomStatsFalse -> TrueBUFF
VehicleGiottoCamber0 -> -15BUFF
VehicleGTICustomStatsFalse -> TrueBUFF
VehicleGTRCustomStatsFalse -> TrueBUFF
VehicleHoverboardHealth400 -> 200NERF
VehicleHoverboardMaxSpeed180 -> 200BUFF
VehicleHoverboardSmokingHealth150 -> 50BUFF
VehicleHyper GliderGliderNitroEfficiency300 -> 375BUFF
VehicleHyper GliderMissileLock2 -> 1.75BUFF
VehicleHyper GliderNitroStartAmount0 -> .5BUFF
VehicleIncineratorAirVehicleDamageMultiplier1 -> 1.222BUFF
VehicleIncineratorDamage20 -> 15NERF
VehicleIncineratorLockTime.72 -> .94NERF
VehicleIncineratorRadPerSec1.8 -> 2.65BUFF
VehicleIncineratorRateOfFire.5 -> .34BUFF
VehicleIncineratorVehicleDamageMultplier2.5 -> 3BUFF
VehicleInfinityHealth400 -> 500BUFF
VehicleInfinityWheelHealth20 -> 50BUFF
VehicleMarauderDoDirectDamageAswellFalse -> TrueBUFF
VehicleMarauderRateOfFire1 -> 1.6NERF
VehicleMarauderVehicleDamageMultiplier3 -> 1.6666NERF
VehicleNeroCustomStatsFalse -> TrueBUFF
VehicleNight RiderBoostCarAcceleration35 -> 40BUFF
VehicleNight RiderMaxSpeed200 -> 190NERF
VehicleNight RiderNitroCapacity4s -> 5sBUFF
VehicleNight RiderNitroRegen25s -> 20sBUFF
VehicleNight RiderVehicleDamageMultiplier1.5 -> 1.25NERF
VehicleO66-TerminatorHealth1000 -> 800NERF
VehicleObliteratorAcceration35 -> 24NERF
VehicleObliteratorExplosionRadius8 -> 14.5BUFF
VehicleObliteratorHealth1800 -> 1100NERF
VehicleObliteratorMainTurretTurnSpeed1 -> 1.6BUFF
VehicleObliteratorRateOfFireN/A -> .75NERF
VehicleObliteratorSmokingHealth350 -> 250BUFF
VehicleObliteratorWaterAccelerationMultiplier.5 -> 2.2BUFF
VehicleOverdriveCustomStatsFalse -> TrueBUFF
VehiclePhantomHealth400 -> 250NERF
VehiclePhantomMaxSpeed180 -> 210BUFF
VehicleRaiderZHealth400 -> 500BUFF
VehicleRaiderZMissileLock2 -> 2.25NERF
VehicleRaiderZRadPerSec1.4 -> 2BUFF
VehicleRaptorRadPerSec1.4 -> 3BUFF
VehicleReaperCustomStatsFalse -> TrueBUFF
VehicleRhinoHealth1800 -> 1500NERF
VehicleRhinoSmokingHealth350 -> 300BUFF
VehicleRiptideBoatTurnTorque400 -> 600BUFF
VehicleRiptideHealth400 -> 450BUFF
VehicleSpitfireDamage10 -> 9NERF
VehicleSpitfireVehicleDamageMultiplier1.8 -> 1.333NERF
VehicleStairTruckHealth400 -> 600BUFF
VehicleSWAT VanHealth800 -> 600NERF
VehicleThunderbirdBoostHoverAcceleration65 -> 105BUFF
VehicleThunderbirdHoverTurnSpeed5.00 -> 2.00BUFF
VehicleX10Health400 -> 300NERF
WeaponCluster GrenadeExplosionTime3 -> 1.6BUFF
WeaponCluster GrenadeVehicleDamageMultiplier3 -> 4BUFF
WeaponDeath RayDamage15 -> 18BUFF
WeaponG36Damage15 -> 16BUFF
WeaponG36HeadshotMultiplier1.6 -> 1.56NERF
WeaponGrenade LauncherAirVehicleDamageMultiplier1 -> 2BUFF
WeaponGrenade LauncherDamage22 -> 20NERF
WeaponGrenade LauncherDoDirectDamageAswellFalse -> TrueBUFF
WeaponGrenade LauncherMaxAccuracy10 -> 4BUFF
WeaponGrenade LauncherMinAccuracy3.5 -> 2.3BUFF
WeaponGrenade LauncherVehicleDamageMultiplier2 -> 1.5NERF
WeaponM249AimDownSightAccuracyMultip.5 -> .35BUFF
WeaponM249EquipTime.5 -> 2NERF
WeaponM249MaxAccuracy4.9 -> 6NERF
WeaponM249RateOfFire.11 -> .095BUFF
WeaponM249VehicleDamageMultiplier.83 -> 1BUFF
WeaponMP5RateOfFire.075 -> .07BUFF
WeaponMP5SlotPrimary -> SupportBUFF
WeaponNerf RayDamage9 -> 12BUFF
WeaponNerf RaySpeed250 -> 300BUFF
WeaponPistol-SEquipTime.5 -> 0.1BUFF
WeaponPistol-SHeadshotMultplier1.5 -> 1.64BUFF
WeaponPistolEquipTime.5 -> 0.1BUFF
WeaponPistolHeadshotMultiplier1.5 -> 1.66BUFF
WeaponRaygunVehicleDamageMultiplier.5 -> 1.5BUFF
WeaponRPGAirVehicleDamageMultiplier1 -> 2BUFF
WeaponRPGRocketSpeed125 -> 250BUFF
WeaponStingerRadPerSec1.85 -> 1.6NERF
WeaponTear GasGasDuration14 -> 28BUFF
WeaponTear GasReloadTime6 -> 15NERF
WeaponTEC9MaxAccuracy4.8 -> 3.9BUFF
WeaponTommy GunDamage9 -> 8NERF
WeaponTommy GunHeadshotMultiplier1.4445 -> 1.5BUFF
WeaponTommy GunMaxAccuracy3.4 -> 2.4BUFF
WeaponTommy GunSlotPrimary -> SupportBUFF
WeaponTommy GunVehicleDamageMultiplier.75 -> .5NERF
WeaponVectorSlotPrimary -> SupportBUFF
WeaponWA2000ClipSize8 -> 12BUFF
WeaponWA2000RateOfFire.74 -> .62BUFF

🎮 Quality of Life for Controller Users

But wait, there's more! For those of you who prefer gaming with controllers, we've heard you.

This update includes a number of quality of life fixes that should make your gameplay experience smoother than ever.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • 🔧 Turret issues for the Terminator, Blackout, and Cobra have been resolved.
  • 💸 Prize Wheel now properly awards money for duplicate rewards.
  • 👮‍♂️ Police NPC now correctly prompts the police dog.
  • ✈️ Planes no longer wobble on basic settings.
  • 🌠 Stars now display correctly on the Arctic Railway.
  • 🚗 Rover Spoiler orientation has been corrected.
  • ⏲️ Marauder now features a military vehicle timer set at 60 seconds.
  • 🛠️ Cyber Truck customization issues have been fixed.
  • 🚀 Missile lock-on bug has been resolved.

Sneak Peeks

🌟 Coming Soon: Trading Hub & Season 3

Up next, a sneak peek at some future updates—first up, the Trading Hub. While we can't give away all the details, we're revamping the trading system in a big way. We've collaborated with community leaders to make sure it's a feature you'll find both useful and engaging.

Mad City Weekly Update -Teaser
Mad City Weekly Update -Teaser

🔥 As for Season 3, We're in the final stages of ironing out the details. We'll be announcing the release date soon, so keep an eye out. 🌆

Mad City Weekly Update -Teaser
Vehicle with default wheels

🙏 Thank You!

We want to express our deepest gratitude for your continued support and constructive feedback.

We've come a long way, but the journey ahead is long and full of opportunities for improvement.

We're incredibly excited about these updates and cannot wait for you to get your hands on them.

Warm regards,

<![CDATA[Mad City Weekly Blog Update - October 6, 2023]]>
We're back with yet another round of exciting news! Are you ready to dive in? Buckle up, because here we go! 🚀

What's New

Introducing New Horn Sounds! 📣

You spoke, we listened! We're thrilled to bring you some brand-new, insanely fun horn sounds!

https://playmad.city//mad-city-weekly-blog-update-october-6-2023/ 65205a2e7d3dab44a1dac316 Fri, 06 Oct 2023 19:26:14 GMT
We're back with yet another round of exciting news! Are you ready to dive in? Buckle up, because here we go! 🚀

What's New

Introducing New Horn Sounds! 📣

You spoke, we listened! We're thrilled to bring you some brand-new, insanely fun horn sounds! Now, toot your horn in style as you cruise through the chaotic streets of Mad City.

We will be adding more sounds in the future!
You can mute the horn sounds!

What's Coming

A New Bank 🏦

Here's something that’s going to shake things up: A new bank is in the works! We can't spill all the beans just yet, but rest assured, this new place is packed with thrilling gameplay and jaw-dropping surprises!

Special Plans for Halloween 🎃

We saw that fake leak going around. Nope, that's not us. But don't worry, we do have something cool planned for Halloween. It's going to be good, promise!

So, that's what we've got in the pipeline. Thanks for being a part of Mad City. Keep playing, keep giving us your thoughts, and most importantly, stay tuned for what comes next.

Until next time!,

  • Mad City Team 💥
<![CDATA[Trading Q:A]]> Since we announced trading, we've been paying close attention to the questions you all have been asking.

We know this doesn't answer everything, but we hope it's a good start. Keep an eye on this blog post for future updates.

Q: Can you stack

https://playmad.city//trading-q-a/ 6512da707d3dab44a1dac2cf Tue, 26 Sep 2023 20:38:25 GMT Since we announced trading, we've been paying close attention to the questions you all have been asking.

We know this doesn't answer everything, but we hope it's a good start. Keep an eye on this blog post for future updates.

Q: Can you stack vehicles?
A: Yes, players can own multiple copies of the same vehicle. However, only one copy will be available to spawn from your phone in the game.

Q: Can we trade every vehicle?
A: We may consider allowing non-limited vehicles to be traded in the future once the economy is more balanced. Introducing widespread trading now could lead to deflated vehicle prices.

Q: Can we trade Game Pass vehicles?
A: Vehicles acquired through Game Pass will not be tradable at launch. However, vehicles that were previously purchased with Robux will be available for trade.

Q: Can you trade emotes?
A: Emotes that are off-sale can be traded. We are looking into the possibility of trading game pass emotes as well, pending approval from Roblox.

Q: How does trading the Commutator and Edge Runner variants work?
A: In the trading hub, each variant will be registered as a single item based on the highest tier you've unlocked. Trading it away means losing customization options until reacquired. This approach is subject to change.

Q: Will we be able to upgrade variant vehicles we own to a higher variant?
A: You can only upgrade if you obtain a higher variant. Owning a lower variant does not allow you to upgrade to a higher one. This approach is subject to change.

Q: Will there be leaderboards?
A: Yes, we plan to introduce leaderboards in the future, such as for the highest value players

Q: Can you trade XP?
A: No, XP cannot be traded.

Q: Is trade history going to be accessible?
A: Yes, you'll be able to view your trade history.

Q: Which items are eligible for trading?
A: Initially, a curated selection of off-sale items will be available for trading, and we plan to expand the list over time.

Q: Will Piggy items be available for trading?
A: A selection of Piggy items will be eligible for trading upon the launch of trading.

Q: What measures are in place to recognize the original owners of items compared to those who acquire them through trading?
A: We intend to indicate the original owner's name on the item's profile as a way to honor their initial ownership. We're also in ongoing discussions about additional methods to differentiate and recognize original owners.

Q: Is it possible to trade Cash?
A: Yes, trading Cash is an option.

Q: Can both vehicles and cosmetics be traded?
A: Yes, you'll be able to trade both vehicles and cosmetics.

Q: How will you prevent duping?
A: With our experienced development team, we're confident in our ability to address the underlying issues that allow duplication exploits to occur in the first place.

Q: Is there an option for account PINs?
A: Yes, players can set up trading PINs as a security measure to deter unauthorized trades. (You will need to write this pin down!)

Q: Are QA and Translator skins available for trading?
A: No, skins for QA and Translators cannot be traded; however, beta skins are tradeable.

Q: Is a trading index going to be available?
A: A trading index won't be available at launch, but we do have plans to introduce it later.

Q: Will the trading hub be in a different location?
A: Yes, there's an option to teleport to the trading hub via your phone, provided you're not currently in combat.

Q: Is a trade balancing system going to be implemented?
A: While we won't be implementing a trade balancing system, we will include a feature that notifies the user if the trade value is low.

That's all we have for now. Be sure to check back, as we may update this post with new information in the future.

Last Updated: 10/2/2023

<![CDATA[Mad City Update Day!]]> We hope you've been enjoying the new movement dynamics we added in the previous version! Hold on to your seats, because we're cooking up something much more exciting beneath the surface!

This is a short update as we prepare for the larger changes in the coming

https://playmad.city//update-day-9-22-23/ 650dd6717d3dab44a1dac288 Fri, 22 Sep 2023 18:42:43 GMT We hope you've been enjoying the new movement dynamics we added in the previous version! Hold on to your seats, because we're cooking up something much more exciting beneath the surface!

This is a short update as we prepare for the larger changes in the coming weeks.

What's New

  1. Enhanced Search Capabilities!
    We're all about making your in-game experience more pleasurable and smooth. So, here's something new: a search bar! Finding your favorite skins in the personalization tab is now as simple as a click. Go ahead and try it!
  1. Unveiling New Skins!
    Welcome to our newest Celestial Skins, Chroma RGB and Chroma Snake Skin! These are one-of-a-kind, limited-edition skins that will be available from September 22nd to September 29th, 2023, so get them while you can!

RGB Chroma:

Price: 7,500,000


Chroma: Snake Skin

Price: 5,000,000


What’s Coming Next


Exciting news—yes, you read that right, we’re introducing Trading to Mad City! We recognize that this represents a significant change, and we are firmly convinced that it’s a beneficial step forward for the future and overall growth of Mad City.

To make this transition smooth, we’ve conducted thorough internal discussions, held private consultations with content creators, and worked closely with our QA team. This collaboration is aimed at addressing all concerns and ensuring that the implementation of Trading is well-executed and aligns with the best interests of our players. Stay tuned for more updates as we progress in this development!

Stay tuned for more details as development progresses!

Sneak peek of next weeks Blog Post:

  • More teasers and sneak peeks!
  • Exciting new features and enhancements!
  • New Jewelry store prototype game reveal!

Stay tuned, Mad City, there’s a whole lot more excitement coming your way!

Till then, stay mad, stay adventurous!

-Mad City Team

<![CDATA[Update Day: Smaller Update]]> Hello Mad City Community!,

While this week might seem quieter on the surface, we assure you there's plenty bubbling below. Let's get straight into it:

1. Movement Mechanics Go Live!
We're thrilled to introduce new movement dynamics to amp up your gameplay experience:

  • Revamped
https://playmad.city//updateday/ 6504a77c7d3dab44a1dac240 Fri, 15 Sep 2023 19:06:21 GMT Hello Mad City Community!,

While this week might seem quieter on the surface, we assure you there's plenty bubbling below. Let's get straight into it:

1. Movement Mechanics Go Live!
We're thrilled to introduce new movement dynamics to amp up your gameplay experience:

  • Revamped Movement Dynamics: In our pursuit to deliver the best action experience, we've introduced new movement dynamics that will surely ramp up your gameplay. Dive in and explore!
  • Double Jump Update: As part of our movement overhaul, the double jump feature has been temporarily shelved. This decision allows us to refine other movement elements and ensure the best balance.

2. Double XP Weekend is Activated!
Starting today, 9/15 through 9/18, Double XP is now live, so jump in and make the most of it!

3. Season 3 Updates:
All rewards and prizes for Season 3 are locked and loaded. That's not the only big news, though. We've got a game-changing feature in the works. The details? Those are a secret... for now. But trust us, it's worth the wait. Updates on season 3 and more coming soon!

A Special Note on Q&A:
Your questions haven't gone unnoticed, and we're all ears! Considering the enormous amount of inquiries (hundreds, to be exact!), we believe a call may not be the most practical. Instead, we're working on a blog post that will address the most frequent questions. This way, everyone has access to the answers, anytime and anywhere. More details on this soon.

Your continued support and feedback mean the world to us!

<![CDATA[Mad City Updates!]]> Hello once again, players of Mad City! We're here with another series of updates!

What's New?

Movement Mechanics - A Small Detour

  • We always aim to provide the best experience for our players. To ensure that, we've decided to delay the introduction of the
https://playmad.city//mad-city-updates/ 64fa58277d3dab44a1dac1fd Thu, 07 Sep 2023 23:40:59 GMT Hello once again, players of Mad City! We're here with another series of updates!

What's New?

Movement Mechanics - A Small Detour

  • We always aim to provide the best experience for our players. To ensure that, we've decided to delay the introduction of the new movement mechanics by another week. Our dedicated team is working around the clock to fine-tune it, ensuring it's smooth and intuitive. Bear with us a little longer; we promise it'll be worth the wait!

First-Person Mode - Immerse Yourself!

  • You've asked, and we've listened! We're introducing the First-Person mode to Mad City. Now, you can see the city through the eyes of your character, making your adventures even more thrilling. Additionally, we're actively working on refining the First-Person View for vehicles. Expect adjustments and enhancements down the road to further improve your gameplay experience. Do let us know what you think once you've had a chance to try it out!

Dailys Reset Update:
We've made progress with the Dailys reset issue. While we have identified a solution, we're taking extra care to ensure it's perfect. We aren't ready to roll it out for everyone just yet, but rest assured, more details will be shared soon.

New Vehicles - Speed & Authority

RipTide: A masterpiece created by @plasmazillasc, the RipTide is a speed boat like no other. Perfect for those who wish to conquer the waters of Mad City! Get it now!

Price: TBA

Ranger: A symbol of authority, this cruiser will surely be a great addition to our police fleet.

Price: TBA

Ranger Spoiler: Complement the Ranger with its matching spoiler to achieve the ultimate finished look!

Price: TBA

What's Coming

What's on the Horizon?

We all know you're excited for Season 3 and we've got a roadmap laid out.

The next couple of updates will predominantly focus on:

  • Bug Fixes: Quality of gameplay is essential. We're dedicating resources to iron out any glitches and ensure a seamless experience.
  • Preparation for Season 3: The end of Season 2 and the start of Season 3 is something we're eagerly looking forward to. In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing more details about the end date of the current season and when you can expect the next season to kick off.

A massive thank you to each one of you for being of our community. Your feedback, enthusiasm, and unwavering support drive us to do better every single day.

That's the wrap for this week's updates. As always, stay tuned for more exciting news and updates. Mad City await your adventures!

<![CDATA[Mad City Update Alert!]]>

Hello Mad City enthusiasts! We've got some fresh news for you, and trust us, it's worth the read.

What's New

Wallet Update:

  • The wallet update is now live!
    • Wallet Functionality: Think of your wallet as your sidekick in crime. Fill it up during your
https://playmad.city//mad-city-update-alert/ 64f105217d3dab44a1dac19f Fri, 01 Sep 2023 14:53:07 GMT

Hello Mad City enthusiasts! We've got some fresh news for you, and trust us, it's worth the read.

What's New

Wallet Update:

  • The wallet update is now live!
    • Wallet Functionality: Think of your wallet as your sidekick in crime. Fill it up during your heists, and when it's full, head back to the criminal base to cash in.
    • Wallet Recovery: Met an untimely end with a wallet full of cash? It'll still be there when you return.

New Lighting:

  • We did some changes to the lighting in the game! Let us know what you think!

Money Truck Heist: Updates Overview

Money Truck Design:

  • Updated based on player feedback for a sleeker look.
New (Left) Old (Right)

Heist Payout Structure:

  • Reduced rewards from shooting..
  • Increased cash available for players to collect.

New Truck Routes:

  • The truck now takes different paths, offering new ways to hunt down the truck.

Upcoming in Pt.2 Update:

  • Introduction of additional heavy duty trucks and more!

What's Coming

What's Brewing in the PBE

  • Jump into our Public Beta Environment to play around with the new movement mechanics and get a feel of the first-person mode.
  • If you spot any bugs or have suggestions, drop us a line on Twitter or join the chat on Discord.

Combat Logging:

We heard you loud and clear! We added combat logging, here's how it works.

    • If you leave, you lose all bounty and your opponent gets it.
    • Reset button is now disabled.
    • If you intentionally kill yourself, your opponent gets your bounty.

Season 3: Ready to Roll

  • The build for Season 3 is complete. While we're holding onto some surprises, here's a tiny glimpse:

New Vehicle Alert

  • Gear up, vehicle enthusiasts! A new addition is coming to our vehicle fleet next week. Here's a hint: It's perfect for those who love... water? Stay tuned!

That's all for now! Check back next week for more updates!

<![CDATA[Mad City: The Future is Zipping]]>

What's New/What's Coming?

Zip Lines Take Over:

  • Navigating Mad City is about to become much more exciting. In an upcoming update, we will reintroduce zip lines that allow you to swiftly move around the city. Speed is crucial, and yes, you can shoot while in
https://playmad.city//mad-city-the-future-is-zipping-through/ 64dee5a4e0e21d1dcabb4bbd Fri, 18 Aug 2023 03:58:27 GMT

What's New/What's Coming?

Zip Lines Take Over:

  • Navigating Mad City is about to become much more exciting. In an upcoming update, we will reintroduce zip lines that allow you to swiftly move around the city. Speed is crucial, and yes, you can shoot while in motion.


  • Piggy Launcher Update: While many have asked about the Piggy Launcher, we need some extra time to get it just right. Rest assured, when it makes its debut, it will be something special. Patience pays!
  • Team Expansion: A warm welcome to our new programmer, joining us to bring some much requested features to mad city!
The new programmer!


  • Build Changes: Due to age guideline restrictions, the Casino is now the Resort. Same place, fresh look, with a visual upgrade to an easter egg!
  • Make it rain! There's a special surprise when you drop off your robbery bags after completing a heist!
  • Removed Forced Animations: You can now use your preferred character animations from the Roblox website.
  • Daily Spin Relocation: We moved the daily spin to the park! as well as upgraded some visual aesthetics
  • Dominator: Dominator now has 4 seats!
  • Arrest Changes: Players can no longer arrest downed players.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed boosts showing up on vehicles without boosts.
  • Fixed F22 boost not showing on mobile.

Vehicle Updates:

  • Obliterator: The Obliterator is now up for grabs at a smashing 5.3 Million. Don't miss out!
  • Adversary Bids Adieu: Just a heads up, the Adversary is now off sale. For those who snagged one, you're in for a ride!

Balance Changes

Pyramid Changes:

  • Decreased torch timer from 2 seconds to 0.5.
  • Decreased loot timer from 2 seconds to 0.5

Vehicle Changes:

  • VehicleDamageMultiplier: 1 -> 2 [BUFF]
  • Damage: 15 -> 20 [BUFF]
  • VehicleDamageMultiplier: 1.7 -> 1.5 [NERF]
  • AscentSpeed: .35 -> .5 [BUFF]
  • DecentSpeed: .35 -> .8 [BUFF]
  • AscentSpeed: .35 -> .45 [BUFF]
  • DecentSpeed: .35 -> .65 [BUFF]
  • SmokingHealth: 150 -> 100 [BUFF]
Night Rider
  • BoostTime: 4s -> 5s [BUFF]
  • BoostRegenTime: 25s -> 20s [BUFF]
  • WheelHealth: 40 -> 25 [NERF]
  • MaxSpeed: 200 -> 185 [NERF]
  • AscentSpeed: .35 -> .65 [BUFF]
  • DecentSpeed: .35 -> .87 [BUFF]
  • MissileLock: 2 -> 2.25 [NERF]
  • BoostTime: 4s -> 4.5s [BUFF]
  • AscentSpeed: .35 -> .65 [BUFF]
  • DecentSpeed: .35 -> 1.1 [BUFF]
  • Health: 400 -> 600 [BUFF]
  • HoverTurnSpeed: 5.00 -> 2.00 [BUFF]

Weapon Changes:

Death Ray
  • Damage: 15 -> 18 [BUFF]
  • Damage: 15 -> 16 [BUFF]
  • HeadshotMultiplier: 1.6 -> 1.625 [BUFF]
  • Damage: 75 -> 60 [NERF]
  • ExplosionTime: 4.2 -> 3.0 [BUFF]
  • Damage: 12 -> 13 [BUFF]
  • RateOfFire: .11 -> .095 [BUFF]
  • AimDownSightAccuracyMultip: .5 -> .18 [BUFF]
  • VehicleDamageMultiplier: .83 -> 1 [BUFF]
  • MaxAccuracy: 4.9 -> 6 [NERF]
  • EquipTime: .5 -> 2.1 [NERF]
Nerf Ray
  • Damage: 9 -> 12 [BUFF]
  • Speed: 250 -> 300 [BUFF]

Closing Notes:

Thanks for being part of the Mad City journey. We're always working hard behind the scenes, and your feedback drives us forward.

Stay tuned for more updates, and here's to more adventures in the city!

Catch you in-game,
The Mad City Team.
